Would your heart give Candy a chance?

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Candy is such a bright and lovely little dog, despite what she has been through. Even though she does not have great coordination, she comes out of her room like a racehorse when she is let out to play. She is a special girl who is always ready to play with you, and she loves to cuddle. She trots around the shelter as you do jobs and really enjoys the company and to explore.

Candy was found as a puppy after being hit by a car. Candy had suffered various damages as a result of the collision. She received special treatment at the vet for at least two months. Unfortunately, Candy was left with nerve damage after her collision, so she walks/runs a bit strangely and doesn’t control her toileting well. For these reasons, no one has wanted to adopt her. Candy is staying in our shelter.

Date of Birth:01/2016
Can travel after:April 2024
Health Issues:

Candy suffered nerve damage in her accident, so she has a strange gait in the rear legs and does not control well when and where she goes to the toilet. Her condition has been stable for many years though, and she gets by quite fine. She has regular massage by a volunteer inside the shelter, according to Galen myotherapy techniques and this has significantly improved her movement and physical control. With just a few minutes every day or two she is likely to gain even more over time.


Candy gets medication for her nervous system.

Weight:13 kg
Height:47 cm
Behaviour around dogs:

Generally she is good, however she can guard her food and resources so is probably easier as an only dog or in a home where the dogs can be separated.

Behaviour around cats:


Behaviour around kids:good
Could be the only animal:yes